Lower Than A Slave Volume 3 Now Available

With a sigh of relief, I can finally say that Lower Than A Slave is finished. Volume 3 is now available on Amazon and soon to be on Smashwords, Kobo and Nookpress. This wasn't an easy one, mainly because I was juggling life and writing at the same time. I've definitely learned a few things writing this, I'll tell you that for free. 

“Do it to me,” she requested, her voice weak and bruised. “All of this. Do it to me. I need to understand. I can’t leave until I understand.” 

This is it. Beverly and Hector have finally found the NDA’s headquarters. Now all they need to do is get inside and see if they can finally find Hannah. But this innocent looking farmstead is holding more secrets than they realize and what they find waiting shocks them to their core. Everything else they’ve witnessed pales in comparison to what the NDA does behind closed doors. 

All Beverly wants to do is find her friend and understand why she left in the first place. She may succeed, but what price is she going to have to pay?