Lower Than A Slave Volume 2 Now Available!

Wow! This one was a challenge. Well that's not exactly true; the month has been challenging and writing this has been a welcome relief. You can get a copy of it right now on Amazon, soon to be followed by Kobo, Smashwords and Nook Press. 

The next installment of the Lower Than A Slave series is here! 

In the previous volume, Beverly Smith hired Detective Hector Rios to help find her missing friend, Hannah. She had gone off to Ohio in order to become a professional breeder and has since dropped off the face of the map. Beverly has suspected that her friend is in trouble and the good detective has discovered that there was more to Hannah's story than her friend knew. 

The hunt in on to find Hannah West and Beverly and Hector are one step closer. While the detective follows the clues, the young woman tries to wrap her mind around the fetish world that they have stumbled upon. Steamy romance and the need to breed she could understand, but leather, chains, and whips? It was all so new and strange to her. The fact that they have to meet their contact at the town’s most infamous fetish club didn’t help matters either. What will they find out when they step into the Second Circle and who is waiting for them just through the front door?