Breeding - Is it a fetish?

Fetish: A form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc.

Sounds about right when you consider things like rope play, verbal humiliation, and obsessions with feet but breeding? Does that really make sense?

I bring this up because that is the question that went through my mind when I was doing research about a year ago. While on my search for new material, I stumbled upon the breeding fetish and became quickly engrossed. The fetish focuses on having as much sex as you can in order to achieve one goal: procreation. While it wasn't difficult to understand why people would be aroused by that, I had to ask myself did it count as a fetish?

For some people I read about, I could totally understand it being a fetish. I read quite a number of testimonials from women who fantasized about being kept constantly pregnant, wanting to have as much unprotected sex in order to do so. Some of these fantasies included having the children of multiple men or not caring at all who the father is, just that the anonymous male got them pregnant. From the male's perspective, they talked about the freedom to finally let the act take its natural course or feeling like a true alpha male. So yes, I can see some fetishizing the act, but I still don't think I can classify this as a fetish. 

I think the real reason I feel this way has to do with our modern culture. Our nature and our society don't sync up quite like they used to. Human beings become sexually mature in our teens, but for many places in the world it would be unthinkable for teens to start procreating with one another and rightfully so. With the way our society is structured they don't possess the resources or knowledge to properly take care of themselves or a child. In a modern world, they're still children, older children, but still in need of many things before they are prepared to create a family. 

So we date and meet people, assessing them in our own individual ways to see if they meet our individual requirements. Are they funny? Productive? Do they get along with their family? Are they a dog or a cat person? So on and so on. New requirements are developed while others are either discarded or become more entrenched. We look at the myriad of desires we develop and try to classify them as much as possible. For most people, sex takes place at home, somewhere comfortable, with as much protection as the pair feels they need. The further away you get from this setup, the more we seek to classify. Want to leave the blinds open? You're kinky. Want to be spanked and told you've been bad? You're a sub. Can't stop thinking about impregnation? Well, that brings us about to our initial question.

I think some view breeding as a fetish because we spend so much time avoiding this outcome. People want to get off and so they will, they just don't want a child at that point. So with that attitude in mind, when someone does come along with a strong desire to breed, we label it as a fetish in a reaction to the perceived risk and taboo of it.

Now I'm not trying to save or purify breeding in some way. People have an amazing talent of getting turned on by just about anything and I don't have a problem with that in the slightest. I just find it funny that with the way modern culture works, we have developed the view point that if someone fantasizes about reproducing, an act essential to our continued existence, that we group it with our more taboo acts of sexual play. Just some food for thought. If you have any thoughts of your own on this topic, feel free to comment on them below. I would love to know what you all think.